Prissætning af balanceringsenergi jf. Electricity Balancing Guideline artikel 29(3), 30(1) og 30(3)

Prissætning af balanceringsenergi jf. Electricity Balancing Guideline artikel 29(3), 30(1) og 30(3) er i høring indtil 13. november 2018

Fra den 13. september 2018 til den 13. november 2018 er forslag vedr. prissætning af balanceringsenergi, jf. Electricity Balancing Guideline artikel 29(3), 30(1) og 30(3), i høring.

I finder links til høringerne nedenfor:


All TSOs and ENTSO-E strongly encourage stakeholders and market participants to give their feedback on the consultations concerning the:


All TSOs’ proposal for classification methodology for the activation purposes of balancing energy bids pursuant to Article 29(3) in accordance with Article 30 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing - se forslag på ENTSO-Es høringsportal.

and the:


All TSOs’ proposal on methodologies for pricing balancing energy and cross-zonal capacity used for the exchange of balancing energy or operating the imbalance netting process pursuant to Article 30(1) and Article 30(3) in accordance with Article 30 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing  - se forslaget på ENTSO-Es høringsportal.


After the consultation is completed, comments will be analysed, and the proposal finalised for submission to NRAs for approval. Only sufficient participation can ensure that both proposals will successfully serve the needs of all relevant parties involved, be it TSOs, balancing service providers (BSP) or other stakeholders.