Ordning for flere NEMO'er i Norden - revideret go-live dato

Kommunikation fra det nordiske projekt for implementering af flere NEMO'er

Nordic Multi-NEMO Arrangement project revises go-live date

29th January 2020 – The Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) involved in the implementation of the Multi-NEMO Arrangement (MNA) project in the Nordic region are to reschedule the project’s go-live date.

Go-live, initially scheduled for 10th March 2020, is subject to successful completion of the simulation tests to validate operational readiness. The revision of the project timeline close to the planned go-live enables additional testing to be undertaken to ensure robustness and reliability. A new go-live date will be announced at the end of February 2020.

The Nordic MNA project aims to make the Single Day-Ahead Coupling accessible to more than one NEMO in the Nordic region, while leaving unaffected the general market coupling principles of capacity calculation and allocation.

The project parties remain fully committed to implement the Nordic MNA project in compliance with the Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management, thereby fostering competition in the core markets of Europe and supporting the aim of a fully integrated European Energy Market.

The project parties include four Transmission System Operators; Energinet, Fingrid, Statnett, and Svenska kraftnät and three NEMOs; Nord Pool (EMCO), EPEX SPOT and Nasdaq.

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