The methodology for procurement of countertrade energy has been approved

The Danish Utility Regulator has approved Energinet's methodology for procurement of countertrade energy.

With the approval of the Methodology for procurement of countertrade on 28 June 2022, the Danish Utility Regulator has given Energinet the go-ahead to buy and sell countertrade energy in the intraday market in the Danish bidding zones. The approval is published (in Danish only) here: Afgørelse om Energinets indkøb af energi til modhandel (

The Danish national regulator emphasizes in their approval that procurement of countertrade energy in the European cross-border intraday market is both market-based, efficient, transparent and non-discriminatory.   

The approval from the Danish Utility Regulator does not cover the improved capacity adjustment which takes place on the border when a countertrade is performed, as this must be amended in the regional methodology for capacity calculation. Energinet can continue with the current practice for capacity adjustment, and together with the TSOs in the Hansa region (all TSOs with interconnectors between the Nordic countries and the continent) amend the regional methodology to enable the improved way of adjusting capacity given to the intraday market when countertrading. 

Energinet will continue the procurement process towards contracting a third party to buy and sell countertrade energy in the intraday market for Energinet.

The expected go-live date for a gradual increase of procurement of countertrade energy in the intraday market is published in the subheading here: Modhandel | Energinet.

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