Publication of intraday trading slot

The Danish Utility regulator has approved four amendments to the methodology for procurement of countertrade energy.

The Danish Utility regulator has approved four amendments to the methodology for procurement of countertrade energy. Read the decision in Danish here.

The approval means that Energinet can publish the structural trading slot:
Energinet will procure the structural countertrade volume between 15:00 – 21:00 (D-1) for delivery period (H24(D-1)-H23(D)).

Unexpected countertrade can be procured until intraday gate closure time.

The countertrade volumes are published on NUCS 10 minutes prior to trade initiation according to the methodology.

The methodology for procurement of countertrade energy (including the four amendment) was approved by DUR 13 April 2023 and is published in English on our page with electricity market rules (Danish page - see Anmeldte og godkendte metoder - Elmarked). Click here to open the file directly.

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