Nordic TSOs: 15 minute imbalance settlement by 2020

The Nordic TSOs confirm plan to move from 60 minutes to 15 minutes ISP by 2020

The common Nordic power market has provided huge benefits for more than 20 years. Among the next steps in this cooperation is the move from 60 to 15 minutes markets and settlement. By the end of 2020 all European countries shall implement 15 minutes imbalance settlement period (ISP). The Nordic TSOs will combine this with a 15 minutes balancing market and ensuring availability of 15 minutes products in the XBID intraday market paving the way for a transition to a more sustainable energy system.

The Nordic TSOs are currently conducting detailed assessments of the move from 60 minutes ISP to 15 minutes ISP, 15 minutes balancing market and 15 minutes trading possibilities in the intraday market. The original Nordic TSO ambition of a Q2 2020 implementation of 15 minutes ISP has been assessed too challenging for both the TSOs and the market actors. The ongoing work with a Nordic implementation plan indicates a stepwise approach with the preliminary target date towards the end of Q4 2020. This plan will be based on input from all the stakeholders.

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