The Nordic TSOs arrange a workshop for the results of the FCP-pilot and the resulting technical requirements for FCR-N and FCR-D

The Nordic TSOs invite interested stakeholders to a workshop for FCR-N and FCR-D.

The workshop is the 28th of March 2022, 9-16 CET at Radisson Blu Airport Hotel, Oslo Airport. 

Register here: Workshop for new requirements for FCR in the Nordics 28.03.22 

Both virtual and physical participation is possible. We encourage physical participation to give a better environment for the workshop. However, the physical venue can host approximately 50 participants. 

Please note if you want to participate physically or virtually. If large interest is shown for physical participation, we will try to increase the limit. If we can’t expand enough, we will limit the number of physical participants to 2 persons per company. If still an issue, the ones who first registered for physical participation can participate in person. 

At the workshop, the Nordic TSOs will present a summary of the testing and experience gained in the FCP-pilot, and the resulting technical requirements for prequalification of FCR-N and FCR-D. 
Following the workshop, a common Nordic methodology on additional requirements for FCR will be sent to public consultation and afterwards to the Nordic NRAs. 

The technical requirements (the PQ documents) depict how the Nordic TSOs aim to implement the common methodology. It is important to stress that the PQ documents might undergo minor changes even after the approval of the methodology, as the methodology is more high-level. 

The updated PQ documents will be distributed to the enlisted participants two weeks before the workshop together with an agenda. 

We hope to see you in Oslo! 

Kind regards Energinet, Svenska Kraftnät, Statnett & Fingrid

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