Consultation of proposal for new technical requirements for FCR in the Nordics

Energinet and the other Nordic transmission system Operators (TSOs) have worked on an updated proposal for new harmonized technical requirements for the ancillary services FCR-N and FCR-D. The Nordic TSOs are now seeking comments and views on the updated requirements.

Since 2019, the Nordic TSOs have worked together to produce a final proposal for new technical requirements for FCR. In 2021, the TSOs carried out a pilot phase in which providers were asked to perform tests to try to meet the proposal for new technical requirements. In connection with the pilot phase, the TSOs have collected the participants' experiences and views on both requirements and test procedures.

The technical requirement document has now been updated based on experiences from the pilot phase. We are now seeking comments and views via this consultation.

Summary of changes in the updated proposal for technical requirements for FCR

The changes can be summarized in three important parts.

  • Reduced number of tests. The test program is greatly shortened for both FCR-N and FCR-D. For FCR-D, the ramp sample has been modified to include deactivation and parameter switching tests.
  • Relaxation of the requirements. The requirements for the FCR-N have been softened somewhat by assuming a slightly higher frequency-dependent load in the system. It will also be possible to pre-qualify a scaled-down capacity if the performance requirements are not fully met. The requirements for FCR-D have been softened both in terms of performance and stability.
  • Clarified requirements for resources with limited energy reserve, LER. The requirements include, among other things, management of energy level (state of charge).

The structure of the documentation has also been changed. The previous versions included a separate supporting document. It has now been removed, and the key content has been merged with the requirements document.

The updated requirements proposal is presented at a Nordic workshop

On 28th of March, the Nordic TSOs will host a workshop to present and discuss the future technical requirements for the ancillary services FCR-N, FCR-D up and FCR-D down.

During the meeting, results and experiences from the tests performed during the pilot phase for the new technical requirements will be presented. We will also discuss the Nordic TSOs' revised proposals for new technical requirements.

Read more about the meeting and register via the event page: Workshop for new requirements for FCR in the Nordics 280322

Joint Nordic development of requirements with support from providers

The proposal for new technical requirements for FCR has been developed in a joint Nordic TSO-project. The project has coordinated the implementation of the pilot phase and evaluated the experiences.

The last day for feedback is April 11, 2022

Energinet and the Nordic TSOs will now collect feedback on the draft proposal for new technical requirements. The last day to submit feedback is the 11th of April 2022. Based on the feedback, the Nordic project will update the proposal for new technical requirements, if relevant. Thereafter, the Nordic TSOs will produce a legal methodology proposal based on the proposed requirements. The legal methodology proposal will be published for public consultation, and then submitted to the national regulatory authorities in the Nordic countries for approval.


More information and contact

For questions, contact project manager Thomas Dalgas Fechtenburg on:

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