Earningcalculator on the capacity markets

We have published an earningscalculator for the ancillary services on the capacity markets.

The earningscalculator makes it possible to estimate how much you are able to earn from being flexible with your consumption or production asset and which ancillary service markets you are able to participate in.

In the earningscalculator you will choose the following: Price area, reaction time on your asset, the duration your asset can hold the response and in which direction your asset can respond in. The calculator then tells you the following ancillary services markets you can participate in.
This has to be reassured in a prequalification test, which you can read more on here: https://en.energinet.dk/electricity/ancillary-services/prequalification-and-test/.

The earningscalculator shows the average price and the expected/potential earnings based on which ancillary services markets you are able to participate in. These prices and earnings are based on the last month and participation in the latest 30 days.

If you need more information of the price development:

If you have any feedback on the earningscalculator feel free to reach out to us.

(Click on the picture)



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