Invitation til teknisk arbejdsgruppe i norden for dynamisk FFR

Energinet inviterer hermed til deltagelse den teknisk arbejdsgruppe for udvikling af tekniske krav til dynamisk FFR i det nordiske synkronområde.

I samarbejde med de andre nordiske TSOer, startes der en arbejdsgruppe der skal undersøge udviklingen af tekniske krav til dynamisk Fast Frequency Reserve (FFR). Målet for gruppen er at introducere en dynamisk version af FFR. Samarbejdet vil foregå på engelsk hvorfor forklaring og kommende materiale også vil præsenteres på engelsk.

The current FFR is a so-called static product, meaning that it is triggered at a defined frequency level, and after that doesn’t dynamically adjust the power output to follow the frequency.  As the current FFR is defined in a static way, it does not utilize the capabilities of some technologies with dynamic capabilities in an optimal way. The intention of investigating the possibility to introduce a dynamic version of FFR is to better utilize these capabilities from technologies such as batteries, wind and solar power.  

The TSOs want to invite stakeholders to participate in a Nordic reference group. The reference group is aimed at stakeholders who want to be involved in the development of Dynamic FFR and can contribute with their knowledge about the control capabilities of technologies that could be suitable to provide FFR. The relevant technologies are expected to include for example battery energy storage, wind power and solar power. The reference group is of technical nature, meaning that topics related to market design and procurement are out of scope at this stage. 

The reference group starts with an introduction webinar on March 18th 9-11 CET. To sign up to the reference group, please fill in the form by March 8th 

The current static FFR option is expected to remain available for technologies that are not suitable for the dynamic version. Already prequalified FFR providing entities may continue as static or switch to the dynamic version. The Nordic TSOs will subject the final proposal for the dynamic FFR specification to public consultation before implementation.  


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