Energinet vil nu i realtid publicere ubalancer, aktiveret aFRR og mFRR mængder. Formålet med publiceringen er at øge markedsaktørernes information om elsystemets aktuelle tilstand.

Stigende mængder sol og vind skaber nye udfordringer i elsystemet, hvorfor der ligeledes kræves nye løsninger. En af løsningerne, som Energinet har arbejdet hårdt på, er at øge markedsaktørernes information om elsystemets tilstand i realtid. Dermed kan markedsaktørerne kontinuerligt monitorere balanceringsbehovet og dermed aktivt bidrage til at reducere ubalancer i realtid.

Hvis Energinet rykker information om status i regulerkraftmarkedet tættere på nuet, vil det i langt højere omfang få aktørerne, til at handle i overensstemmelse med elsystemets behov. Vi forventer derfor, særligt ved ekstreme hændelser, at selvbalancering i øget omfang vil hjælpe med at holde balancen og derved reducere Energinets behov for at udtømme reserver. – Jeppe Danø, Vice President Forretning og Marked.

Publicering sker via Energi Data Service – Power System Right Now (link) med understående signaler:

  • Imbalance DK1/DK2: Den ubalance systemet ville opleve uden TSO reguleringer [MW]
  • aFRR activated DK1/DK2: Øjebliksværdien af danske aFRR aktiveringer [MW]
  • mFRR activated DK1/DK2: Øjebliksværdien af mFRR aktiveringer [MW]

Aktørerne gøres opmærksom på at realtidsdatasættet vil kunne indeholde fejl samt har datasættet samme support, som gældende for alt i Energi Data Service, hvilket betyder support er mulig i hverdage mellem kl. 8-16.

Der er imidlertid kun tale om en pilotperiode, hvilket skal be- eller afkræfte om publiceringen af ubalancevolumener i realtid har en positiv indvirkning på balanceringen. Resultaterne fra pilotprojektet skal drøftes i nordisk regi, hvorefter en endelig beslutning vil foretages. Jeres feedback på erfaringer med anvendelse af realtidspubliceringen kan derfor være et vigtigt argument for at sikre en permanent løsning.


In English


Energinet is now set to publish imbalances, activated aFRR, and mFRR quantities in real time. The purpose of this publication is to increase market participants’ information about the current state of the power system.

Higher penetration of intermittent energy sources presents new challenges in the power system, which is why new solutions are required. One of the solutions Energinet has diligently worked on is enhancing market participants' real time information of the power system. This information should enable market participants to continuously monitor the balancing need and actively contribute to reducing imbalances in real time.

By bringing information on the status of the regulating power market closer to the present, Energinet expects a significantly higher degree of alignment between market actors and the power system's needs. Consequently, we anticipate that, especially during extreme events, increased self-balancing will aid the balancing and reduce Energinet's need to exhaust reserves. - Jeppe Danø, Vice President of Business and Market.

Publication takes place via Energi Data Service – Power System Right Now (link) with the following signals:

  • Imbalance DK1/DK2: The imbalance the system would experience without TSO regulations, [MW]
  • aFRR activated DK1/DK2: The current value of aFRR activations [MW]
  • mFRR activated DK1/DK2: The current value of mFRR activations [MW]

Users of the dataset are advised that the real-time dataset may contain errors, and the dataset has the same support as applicable for everything on Energi Data Service, meaning support is available on weekdays between 8 am and 4 pm.

It is important to stress that this is a pilot phase aimed at confirming whether real time publication of imbalance volumes has a positive impact on system balancing. The results of the pilot project will be discussed at the Nordic level, following which a final decision will be made. Hence, your feedback with the experiences you get with the realtime publishing is of great value and could be arguments for making the solution permanent.
