Markedskobling mellem Danmark og Tyskland klar i efteråret

Selskaberne bag European Market Coupling Company (EMCC),, E.ON Netz, Vattenfall Europe Transmission, EEX and Nord Pool Spot, enige om at indlede kobling af det nordiske og tyske elmarked 29. september 2008.


Market Coupling between Germany and Denmark to be launched on 29 September 2008

Monday, 28 April 2008 - The market coupling project between Germany and Denmark is now entering its final implementation stage. The five initiators of the project -, E.ON Netz, VE Transmission, EEX and Nord Pool Spot – have agreed that the European Market Coupling Company (EMCC) will start the coupling of the Nordic and the German electricity market on 29 September 2008 for the next day. 

It is planned to appoint Enno Böttcher as the managing director of the new, Hamburg-based company as soon as the company is founded. He will be in charge of the operative day-to-day business and the further development of the company. Since the beginning of April Enno Böttcher has taken over the management of this project in order to prepare the set-up of the company. Prior to this assignment, the 38-year Böttcher has worked as the head of corporate development at Energie-Handels-Gesellschaft EHA, a subsidiary of Vattenfall and REWE Group.

At the moment, the team in charge of the project is working on the introduction of a new IT system, which will be implemented and tested throughout the next months. Moreover, the required notification process at the European Commission is also under way and the project partners expect the positive result of this notification in July. Thereby all the necessary steps required will be completed within the time frame allocated until the official establishment of the company.

The new company aims at facilitating cross-border trading of power. Day-ahead market coupling permits an efficient use of the existing cross-border interconnectors and constitutes an important step towards the integration of the power trading markets in Europe. In the framework of market coupling so-called implicit auctions – the joint allocation of energy and cross-border transmission rights – will be carried out on a daily basis. 

The company EMCC, its internal set-up and its IT system are designed to allow for extension of its services to other interconnections and/ or markets. 


 E.ON Netz GmbH:
Vattenfall Europe Transmission:
 Christian Schneller, T: +49 921 915-4030
   Klaus Thostrup, tel + 45 2333 8816
   Dirk Biermann, T: +49 (30) 5150-4425
   Enno Böttcher, T: +49 (40) 6396-2351
 Nord Pool Spot AS:
European Energy Exchange AG:
 Anders Houmøller, T: +45 (63) 1123-02
   Daniel Wragge, T: +49 341 2156-204

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