First cross-border transport capacity auction was held on PRISMA

The result of the first cross-border transport capacity auction on PRISMA primary is now a reality, after bids were made for entry capacity at the border at
Ellund yesterday. The bids were given using the PRISMA platform, which is the European capacity platform founded by major European TSOs from Austria,
Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands. The platform was launched on 1 April 2013.
The capacity was sold as day-ahead capacity for the gas day 3 April 2013. The capacity was sold at the starting price indicated in’s price list.
From now on, shippers in several European countries will have access to participate in auctions at the border points in Ellund and Dragør.
At the start of the first capacity auctions on 1 April 2013, 231 companies with 614 users were authorised to participate in capacity trading on PRISMA.
Registered shippers in Denmark who have not yet registered to use PRISMA can do so by selecting as TSO on PRISMA and will be approved after
signing a power of attorney for user access.
The start of the first cross-border capacity auctions marks an important milestone towards an integrated European gas market. PRISMA is the first European
platform to auction cross-border transport capacity in accordance with ENTSOG’s Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (NC CAM), the future market
rules for allocating transport capacity.

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